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International Exhibition & Competition of Animalistic Art "WORLD of  ANIMALS" will be held at the old exhibition area of Moscow

Exhibition dates: February 3-11, 2025
Registration deadline: until January 27, 2025
Exhibition address: "Art-Commune" Contemporary Arts Center and Gallery (Moscow, Kyiv St., 2, 4th floor, TGC "Kyiv")

There are two forms of participation in the exhibition and competition: ONLINE and OFFLINE.

 registration english applynow


1. The work must be original:
Your artwork must be your own original concept and not a copy of someone else's copyrighted material. If your work violates another person's copyrights, it will be disqualified. By submitting your work to this competition, you are solely responsible for any infringement of copyrights. The organizing committee reserves the right to require confirmation that the work submitted for the competition is your original work, created only by you. Failure to comply with this rule will result in disqualification.

2. Copyright:
The artist retains all copyrights to his works without exception.

3. Non-exclusive permissions:
By entering this competition, you grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual license to reproduce images of your artwork on our websites,,, in our newsletters and in the "ART-WATER / WATER IN ART" catalogue, as well as in the marketing of this exhibition to the general public. The works will not be used for any other purposes than specified here. All participating and winning art objects will be displayed on the specified sites. Each art object declared for the competition becomes part of the public, historical and archival online catalogue of the International Festival / Exhibition-Competition of Animal Art "ART-WATER". It may be removed later at the author's request.

4. Evaluation riteria

- craftmanship and quality 

- originality and innovation

- the amount of artwork's influence on the audience

5. Collective presentation of art objects:
Both individual authors and creative teams can take part in the International Exhibition-Competition of Animal Art "Animal Kingdom"; the number of team members is not regulated. Diplomas and awards are received by the competitive art object. If necessary, the organizing committee can issue diplomas for each co-author (an additional payment for the diploma form will be required).



1. How you can present your art objects at the exhibition
There are two ways to participate in the project: OFFLINE (in-person) and ONLINE (distantly).
Offline participation implies the presentation in the exhibition space of originals or copies of author's works, in a format chosen by the author. The author delivers the works to the exhibition independently.
Online participation includes the provision of photographic images of the art objects in electronic form to the organizing committee. The organizing committee processes and prints the submitted files (at least A3 format) and places them in the exposition.

2. Number of submitted art objects / Multiple submission:
There are no restrictions on the number of art objects submitted for the competition. There are also no restrictions on the number of competitions and nominations an artist can submit a work to. But it must be taken into account that each declared art object is evaluated as an independent work.

3. Dimensions of art objects presented offline:
Offline art objects should not exceed 150 cm on the larger side.

4. File sizes and formats:
All participants are published in the catalogue of the "Animal Kingdom" project, therefore it is necessary to send to the competition photo images of works with a resolution of at least 200dpi or at least 1100px on the shorter side. Valid file formats: .jpg, .tiff .



The exhibition is attended by artists, craftsmen and photographers from all regions of the Russian Federation, as well as from foreign countries. Participants from Russia and foreign countries have the same rights.

World Foundation for the Arts / The Art of the Future Foundation (Russian branch)

Eurasian Art Union / Eurasian Art Union
Production Center "Art of the Future"
Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry